Happy International Women’s Day!!

My Dear Future Readers,

Today is March 8, International Women’s Day. I want to dedicated this post to all the women who are great in their own way. The authors of this time and talented women who have always done great things.

You can do  almost anything

You put your mind to….

You can swim in the Deepest Ocean,

And climb the Highest Peak!

You can face Adversity

And still walk Dauntless…..

You are Strong, Beautiful, Compassionate,

Much more than words can ever say!

Today is Yours as any other day!

I hope that all the women reading this wonderful blog post will realize that they are worthy of the love and joy they give to others.

A woman is a great person. She is giving and loving and kind. It is that kind of care that makes a woman special.

I hope that today we can all tell the women in our lives that they mean a lot to us. Being a woman myself, it makes me happy to be able celebrate this holiday.

Women's Day

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

A Passionate Play Reviewed by Diana Rose


My Dear Future Readers:

I have read many romance novels in my time but this is my first time reading a Romantic Suspense genre.  This book was the first book I read from Jessica Lauryn. My first impression of this book when I started it was that Ms. Lauryn took the subject of the theatre and turned into something magical. The characters were extremely lifelike. This story took me through a journey of the onstage performance and what the actor’s life behind the curtain of the theater was like. Everything seemed simple but it was not as the story showed me what the main character, Alicia Coleman was truly like when she had lost her memory. Her feelings for Nick Lancaster at first when I first read about him in the first part of the book, are not simply love or hate, she showed confusion quiet vividly, I might say. It was apparent that Nick and Alicia have a very complex relationship. At times, their conversations made me laugh, made me feel angry that Alicia didn’t understand that Nick meant to protect her.

At other times, Nick’s way of caring for Alicia made me happy because it was clear that he loved her and he just had a hard time admitting it. It was fun to see in my mind the scenes that Ms Lauryn so vividly paints with her words. The Bear Scene was the most fun for me to read and it was really clear in my head as if I could see the bear charging at me as I try to escape the bear. The emotion of fear and terror was clearly portrayed. Also, the scenes with the attacker was quite emotional and scary, yes, scary. But this a part of a good author’s job to portray emotion and scenes as if they were happening to the reader right then.

As an author, myself, I learned a lot from the way Jessica Lauryn wrote her descriptions. Her description in every paragraph was different. It was like an adventure to me to read this book. Every turn of a page made me want to read more of it and I ended up reading two-three chapters in one day.  I was so intrigued by this first book that I purchased Book 2: An Amorous Dance even before I finished this book. I could not wait to start Book 2 in this series. Honestly, I was so entranced by Jessica Lauryn’s talent in pulling me into her world that I want to read more of her books and follow her example in developing my own writing in a way that will pull my future readers into my books.

Jessica Lauryn is my new favorite author and I hope to read all of her books. She is my inspiration for writing books that people love. It is a great honor for me to know her and how truly beautiful she is on the inside and out. My favorite author and I I am starting to read An Amorous Dance right away. I hope to follow her career as she writes more because she is my inspiration.

After reading A Passionate Play, I believe that there might be a great story behind it which is why I wanted to ask Jessica Lauryn for an interview. She will be talking about the story of how she wrote this book and her inspiration in writing in my next blog post. Writing series of books tends to be freeing at some point because you can address your characters from all sides and I believe that this comes much easier to Jessica Lauryn right now. But I do plan to use that example as well. She is also the reason why I feel that writing a series of books is something that I want to do.

Writing a series to me is like living with the same people for a long time and getting to know them well enough. A series is something that means that you can not leave the characters. It gives you more room to explore your characters and I believe that it is a good choice for authors like Jessica Lauryn and myself. I believe that it is a good thing for an author to love their characters a lot because then the readers will love them too.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

Big Update of My Author Life

My Dear Future Readers:

I am always writing and you know how hard writing can be for a person. I mean, I can write books but during my school years and college, I could never write essays or big papers. It scared me. But now, I feel like I am finally writing as much as I want but more importantly, I am writing what I want. That is the most important thing in my life.

As I mentioned earlier, I have been doing a lot of writing in the recent days. That is what I want to talk about in this blog post.


During a sizeable amount of time, I have been working on Book 2: Sacrificed Love in my Power of Love Series. It’s taken me a very long time to write because it had a lot of emotional parts in it. At times, I had to stop writing because I would get too emotional. But, you know that I write romance and in writing romance I know that my books have to have a happy ending.

To be honest, writing the ending to this book was really hard. It was hard to find a suitable ending because of the events that took place in the book. I was not sure if I could even end the book at first. But……I could not leave the book unfinished either. So, I finally, sat down at my computer and reread my chapter. I started to think to myself about what I could write to finish the book.

Finally, I came up with a good enough ending for Book 2: Sacrificed Love. Of course, I left it open to be able to start Book 3.

You know, I feel FREE after finally finishing Book 2. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like all the things that were weighing me down finally lifted and flew away. Do authors really feel that way when they finish a book? I don’t know but when I put the finishing period in Book 1: Forbidden Love, I cried.

What am I going to do now? I thought then. But this time on February 10, I thought, I feel great! I feel relieved. Time to start Book 3, FINALLY! I made it to Book 3. Those thoughts surprised me but I am glad that at least I did not cry.

I know that Book 3 will continue my story and I’m glad that I decided to write a series instead of just one book. Of course it is hard to start but you know, I will find a way. I have come to know my main characters so well that I believe that Book 3 will be a fun writing experience after I finish Chapter One. The first chapter, I realize now is the hardest to write. Maybe it is hard just like writing an essay but except you need to reintroduce the characters in a new way so the reader can see the main characters from a new side. That is exactly what I am trying to do with Book 3 right now.

To be honest, writing beginnings was always hard for me even in school and I think I need some time to think of a good beginning. But don’t worry, I always keep writing. I am happy that I can keep doing it. I promise, I will make Book 3 with lots of ideas and brand new plot twists just I did when I was writing my first book. It just takes time to write a novel and that I have a lot of now.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

Trust In Yourself and Keep Trying

My Dear Future Readers:

So, January 29th, was the contest for Miss Universe. You know, there are a lot that I have learned from listening to the answers given by the women in this contest. It was truly an interesting contest. And don’t laugh at me for watching Miss Universe. I was inspired by the words of the now, Miss  Universe.

She said something very important and I believe that if you never learn this lesson you will never achieve anything

“Even if you feel like you achieved the peak of your life already or the peak of your career, you are still a student and there is still much to learn.” – Pia Alonzo, Miss Universe, 2016.

I liked the way she said that in the interview because I believe that people should always be eager to learn. No matter what, life about learning from the life situations that you are in and coming out with new experiences. It is about being able to say that you don’t know everything but being willing to accept that the person does not know everything is something admirable, I think.

I wanted to write this post because these are lessons that we learn from people who have been picked to be Miss Universe. The most important lesson here is you have to keep learning no matter how high up you are. It doesn’t matter what your title is, a person can not claim to know everything.

 It is alright to accept the fact that you need to learn more. That is why there are books and videos and other things that help a person learn.

You know, I found out after the Miss Universe contest that Iris M.is an oral surgeon. That is an  amazing accomplishment for a person. Especially for a person who won Miss Universe.

The most important and interesting thing Miss Universe, Iris M. said in the contest was:

“Keep Trying.”

I was amazed to hear that. It is why I don’t ever give up. Everything is hard but if you keep trying good things will happen.

You know, I did not used to watch the Miss Universe contest on TV. I did not want to feel less than the girls on that show. I mean, they are beautiful. But after watching this year, I think that in some ways I am good enough. If a Miss Universe girl can be an oral surgeon then I can be an author and have people read my books all over the world, right? What I am trying to say is that nothing is impossible. If you try, you will get there no matter what.

Yes, I might be trying to persuade myself here as well. But…I have not stopped dong what I love yet so….don’t worry, I’m  still out here, going after my dream. I will keep trying until I get to where I want to be.

I’ll be honest will you, the Miss Universe contest really did inspire me to go after my dreams and do even more because I have to keep trying. The crown won’t come to me on its own. I need to work for it and you know, I’m prepared to do that.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

The Many Fears of the Author and What They Sound Like….

My Dear Future Readers,

Today, I spent time thinking hard about whether or not to write this post. Why? Because, I was afraid that baring out my heart to you now is wrong. But….I am finally sitting down to write this. Why? Because, I know that you will understand me more if I do. I am a person and not a robot without emotions. Which is also part of the reason why I am writing this post. Being a person, I do have emotions and yes one of those emotions is….You guessed it….Fear.

Fear and being afraid of something is normal for people. It is the fear of certain things that keeps us from doing something dangerous.

 Yes, I am afraid of many things. I tend to be afraid of new things too. New things are scary because you don’t know what is going to happen next. Fear of the unknown is common. It is this fear that keeps us from going forward in our plans.

To be honest with you, I have a lot of fears as a starting out author even though, I have never talked about them because I think that no one will accept them. Or accept me but, I am a person just like everyone else in this world. I have a right to be vulnerable for once in my life and yes, I am an author. I am an author who wants to relate to my public. In fact, I am absolutely certain you have fears of your own.

 I am scared that my books will not be interesting enough to the reader. Or that I will get bad reviews (every author is afraid of reviews).

I am afraid that I might not find enough inspiration to write. I have in fact had writer’s block many times over the years. I am thinking about the many different ideas in books that others put out there and sometimes I am afraid that their ideas are better. Yes, that is called self-doubt but…I am also a person. Yes, I got all A’s and B’s in school but here, if my book is bought and reviews are good then that is my “grade. ” It is the truth of life and yes, I am afraid.

As an author, I want my readers to be happy with what I publish and I am aware that not everyone will like my work. But….I have to try. On some days my fears and self-doubt become bigger than me but I always try to remember the bigger picture.

“I always remember the bigger picture that there are people waiting for my books to come out and that I can’t give up because I made a promise to get my book published.” – Diana Rose

 Being afraid of things like not having enough people to buy my books or reviews or that I won’t have enough ideas for my next book seem to be normal fears. I just don’t want to focus my mind only on my fears. Because, these fears can and will not bring me any good. It is not about the thoughts but about how you deal with them. I choose to deal with these fears as they come. I need to stop thinking about my fears before they eat me up inside.

To be honest, I got used to going forward despite my fears because I realized that my fears will bring me nowhere. I need to stop living as if someone is in doubt of me. I decided a long time ago that I have to do things despite my fears.

But the reason why I am writing this post is to encourage you and show you that even I can have fears in my head. But, I try to not listen to them so that I can do what I love to do. I LOVE to write and I intend to continue to do that no matter what my fears are saying. I’m an author and I will not stop writing just because I have fears.

Fear or no fear…Better no fear of course but still I mean, I just think that living in fear will get me nowhere so, I believe that all I can do is try harder.

Okay, so I was a little vulnerable in this post, I hope that you don’t mind it. I hope that I encouraged you not to be too scared not try doing what you love. Fear should never be bigger than your goals.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

An Author’s Lesson in Failure

My Dear Future Readers:

I am going to be honest with you. You can always quote me when I try to prove that I did not say this. I

“I am human. As I a human, I have had my share of failures and successes. Yes, I fail too but I succeed too. That is what makes me human.” – Diana Rose

Yes, I admitted it.  I have had many failures in my life. But I got up and tried again. Yes, I can give you a sob story about how pitiful I am for my failures but that is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that people should learn from their mistakes and honestly, I did learn from my mistakes.

I believe that the greatest failure that I had been when I had to try to pass math for four years straight. Honestly, I am not good at math at all. But I kept trying even though it was the hardest subject throughout my years of studying.

But….that is not the only thing that I have failed at. No…there were a few others and I’m sure that there will be more but…..I also know that if I don’t try at anything, I will fail it by not trying.

However, sometimes, Failure means that you have to try harder and or make the choice to quit. Accepting failure as a part of your journey.

The Question is:

What will you choose?

I know I made mistakes and cried over my failures and especially every time I got a rejection letter about my book. But I knew that I could not give up on my dream.

I knew that I had to go forward no matter what. I have no other choice. Because I don’t want to be a nobody my entire life. I need to make something of myself and I knew that I can’t stop just because it is hard.

College? Been there, done it. I made my failure into a big success in the end. It is what I strive for and worked hard at to achieve. For me failure is not a word but a reason…A reason to try harder.

Oh….did you know that I got contracted with Whippoorwill Press? No? Well, now you know. Do you think that came easy? No, it did not. And you know what?

Life is full of hardships but it is up to you how you react to them. Crying? Moping around? Yes, I do that too but, you know I do more? I get up and keep trying. You know, not many people can get up and keep trying. It is not for everyone but I know that if I don’t keep trying I will never have anything worthy of being proud of.

“Good things come to those who wait and patiently work hard to get what they want.”- Diana Rose

Yes, I quote myself but only because this important and my point in this post is that anyone can talk about where and how they failed at something but not everyone can learn and go forward into life knowing that they made that mistake.

I’m no different. But, I choose to think that because I made that mistake, I will not make that same mistake again. It is the most important lesson I have learned. This lesson applies to everything. If you don’t do this life will keep hitting you in the face until you learn that lesson. But….failure does not mean that you can’t get up and try again.

How does a baby learn to walk?

A baby learns to walk by trying again and again to get up. Little by little the baby starts to crawl and then when it gets up it may fall but….determination keeps it from giving up. The baby will get up many more times than it falls down because the baby knows from an early age that nothing comes easy. The baby may get hurt when it falls but it will not let that stop it from trying to walk again.

That is why I wrote this post to show you that everyone fails at some point in life but we as people should not let those failures define us or we would not be able to do a lot of things that we want.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

My Reflections About Co-Hosting the Release Party for An Amorous Dance by Diana Rose


My Dear Future Readers:

Today, I want to tell you about the Release Party for An Amorous Dance by Jessica Lauryn. During the Release Party that I was co-hosting with Jessica Lauryn, I got to play two games. Honestly, this has been my second Release Party with Jessica Lauryn and I love helping her out. She is very talented in what she does.

This time, my prizes for the first game, I played at the release party were to give me a title for my next Work-In-Progress Book 3 of my Power of Love Series. Yes, I haven’t finished writing Book 2 but I kind of have an idea of how it can end so that I can start on Book 3. I was hoping to start on Book 3 this year.

The first game was to guess the ages of my two main characters in Book 1: Forbidden Love. I was pleasantly surprised that Jessica Lauryn guessed the right ages of my two main characters at the beginning of the book. Indeed she is a remarkable person.

The second prize for my next game was to give me the ages for my two main characters. I asked the guests what their favorite Disney movie was and why. I ended up liking all the answers but I knew that I had to choose only one winner. So…I chose the choice of Cinderella.

Why? Because when I was a little girl, I could watch Cinderella 1,000 times and I could never get tired of watching how Cinderella had her dream wedding with Prince Charming.I used to hope that one day, I would also meet my Prince Charming. I still do hope to meet my Prince Charming.

My thoughts or rather my feelings after being invited to be a co-host again….I felt as though I have truly begun to finally become the author I always wanted to be. Conversing with already Published authors, I felt completely at home. As though, this was where I was meant to be. Since this is the second time that Ms. Lauryn has invited me I was quite elated. She always makes everyone feel truly welcomed and myself included. It feels good to be among published authors who later become friends and support me.

I am proud that I can support and participate in a Release Party and talk about my writing with authors within my genre even if they write different types of romance books.

To be honest with you, Release Parties give me hope in the future that my books will have a chance in the spotlight as well. It something that I am always ready to help with and especially to such talented authors as Jessica Lauryn. I believe that by supporting great talent, I will be able to gain more friends in the author world who support me as well. All you really need is to be nice  and support them as well. Authors are hard-working people who need to know they are appreciated for their hard work. Yes, I know first hand what that means since I became a full-time author.

So, of course being present at a release party for an author is my greatest honor and Jessica always makes her release parties really fun. I always enjoy reading that she has finished a new book. And even if I did not win a free copy of her book, I still love having fun with her and her other guest authors because this makes me feel like I am part of something special. After all, when a new book is born, I mean published, it is always a good day for the author. All the hard work finally pays off and they can finally see their nae on the beautiful cover and know that they created this.

I sincerely hope that in the near future Jessica will be published again. I love supporting her and being her friend. I hope she will invite me again to her next release party. So I will say this:

“Keep writing wonderful books, Jessica that I am happy to support.”

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

Does Love Have A Face? Part 2: Guest Post by Keith Kareem Williams


My Dear Future Readers:

Today, I want to continue my discussion about whether Love has a face or not. I want to say that I think that Love is very hard to find and it is hard to identify whether it is true love or not. Why? Because it may be wearing a mask to not appear vulnerable. After all, Love is a very sensitive emotion.

In discovering the reality of whether Love has a face, I wanted to interview some authors and get their view on the subject. Because, who would better explain their thoughts than authors.

So…..as promised, my first author whom I interviewed about his views on true love and whether love even has a face is Keith Kareem Williams. Here is a little bit about him. Most of these things, I did not know before so, I was pleasantly surprised to learn more about this self-published author.

Keith Kareem Williams – is the author of 11 books & currently working on his 12th. He still resides in his hometown of Brooklyn, New York where he delicately balances his time between his responsibilities as a single father as well as the challenges of being a full-time author.– Keith Kareem Williams. You can find out more about him on his website where you can also see the books he has published. His recent release was Death in the City. Keith Kareem Williams

Now that you have read a little bit about my guest, let me tell you the questions of the interview which Keith Kareem William was willing to give me answers to.

  1. Do you think love can have a face?

I believe that love can definitely have a face. The problem in the world is that so many people don’t recognize true love when they see it. There are many imposters wearing the mask of love and too many people are fooled. That’s why so many people end up heartbroken and jaded.

  1. Would you say that finding love, true love in today’s world as compared to a few years ago is harder or easier and why?

I think that MOST people would say that finding love in today’s world is more difficult but, I disagree. The whole world is more open and accessible than it has ever been. Because of the internet and social media, the world has become much bigger than the block or the neighborhood you grew up in. You can find someone who loves you for real in any part of the world. There’s no need to settle. A lot of times, we end up dating who’s around instead of who we want, or our better match out of laziness, easy accessibility or convenience. Love is inconvenient, usually poorly timed and takes a lot of work to find but in this modern world, you have options and wider reach to seek what you need. The great love of my life might live in Arizona, thousands of miles away. My future wife might be in Detroit, waiting for me to claim her.

  1. What is your definition for true love? Now, I mean the kind of love that lasts 65+ years of marriage.

True love is when someone loves you for who you are at your core. They crave the vibe of your soul and are fascinated by the essence of you. Some people love you because you make them feel good so they use you as a balm for whatever ails them but, that kind of love never lasts. True love is when you are intrigued by all of the minute, subtle things about another person…things that only you see. True love is selfless and it doesn’t always make sense. It just is.

4. Now, about marriage and a lasting marriage, what would you say is a key element to that?

A key element to a lasting marriage is honor. I know that the more popular answer might be love, or friendship but both can be fickle platforms to build a solid, lasting foundation on. Love and friendship are parts of a good relationship but honor is the glue that will hold everything together through the rough patches that are inevitable. You might not wake up madly in love every day but, if you honor your spouse and your commitment to each other, there won’t be any room for anyone or anything to drive a wedge between you. Evolution is important as well. You also have to be able to adapt to changing circumstances without going into panic, or becoming fearful. There has to be a mutual willingness to enthusiastically work through problems together to find solutions.

  1. If indeed you see that it is true love, how do you recognize that?

True love is when someone cares about your well-being, even when it’s not necessarily beneficial to them. True love is when someone would still wish all the best for you, even if you weren’t together. A person that truly loves you wants you to be happy, no matter what, even if you’re not together

6. What if…Love had a face? Would you be able to recognize it for who it is? Or would you walk past Love and not know that face you just saw was love?

I would hope that after a few decades on this earth and a bit of experience that I’d be able to recognize the face of love when I saw it. Love is a strong emotion and sometimes defies logic so it isn’t always easy to accept, or recognize. However, I do believe that true love proves itself over time, not based on what a person says but by the things a person does.

***DISCLAIMER*** these answers represent how I felt on January 16, 2017. As a man who takes pride in evolving and learning constantly, some of my feelings could change tomorrow. That’s life. If you’re not growing as an individual…you’re not really living.

To be honest with you, after the interview ended, I was filled with a sense of hope. Why? Because, Keith Kareem Williams was truthful with me. I never realized that love is not only a sentimental feeling but also honorable. He taught me that marriage…Yes, I asked about marriage….is not only based on love but also on honor because “Not everyday is the same and you may not wake up completely in love on a certain day.” That is true. But also, there was the thought in my head that this is coming from a man and that made it even more valuable to me.

I believe that the things he said about true love are somehow the same ideas that I have grown up with. But the most important part of this interview was that a person should always be growing and learning. I believe that with the beginning finding out whether or not Love has a face is a time for me to learn many things about Love. Love is not only a feeling, it is something that you give back to other people and it is shared but when you don’t share it sincerely it is then that the feeling of love becomes fake.

I do hope to continue my search for the meaning and understanding of love in the near future and I hope that more guest post authors come to talk to me about this because this blog is centered on True Love.

I want to thank Keith Kareem Williams for his honesty in this interview because I did learn a lot as an author and a person. I do hope that he will join me again in the future because it is always important to get a man’s point of view on certain subjects like love and marriage.

I look forward to hrring from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

My Writing Goals in 2017

My Dear Future Readers:

Today, I want to talk to you about my writing goals for….January. Because, let’s be real for a second, I can not say that the entire year will be smooth and happy. But, we can take it slow and focus on one month at a time.

I want to write everyday for a month to get back into the habit of doing it daily. I also plan to use this time to finish a few blog posts and a few chapters of a work in progress. It is at least what I want to do this month. Yes, I sometimes don’t feel like writing at all but I hope to change that because this is what keeps me  going. Yes, writing is the one thing that relaxes me so that I don’t have to think about real life.

Now, everyday for a month may seem like a lot to anyone, even me but it isn’t. Or at least I hope that it isn’t. I have a hard time with writing everyday and I admit it. It’s just that I sometimes have to force myself to do it and I don’t like doing that. Some days, I’m just tired or had a lot to do that day but I know in the back of my mind that I have not written anything that and so at the end of day when I should be getting ready for bed, I sit down and turn on my computer and start to write.

Yes, I write some days well after midnight and I am not ashamed of it. And now, about my goals….

Firstly, I want to write every day as I already said. Secondly, I want to write another few chapters and maybe get this new idea going. I hope to write at least 500 words each day that way I can get my idea developed. But the trouble is that sometimes I can write more if I am into a scene and the next day not write at all. Today, (January 5, 2017) I wanted to make sure that I finish this blog post so that tomorrow I could get back to my idea. Yes, I do write a lot and I AM an author. It is what I do best.

Anyway….My third goal is to record my word count everyday on my new word count tracker so that I stay motivated this month and I can use that motivation in February as well. January is always a beginning that is what I not always good at. Sometimes, I can stare at a blank page for hours and not know what I want to fill it with. Words, obviously! But what words and about what? I always tend to ask myself that ever since I started school and yes, I wrote what was asked of me but a blank page has too many possibilities if you know what I mean?

So , my fourth goal in relation to writing is to not stare at a blank page too long. Or, I risk not writing anything at all. My goal is to let the possible outcomes not overwhelm me at the time that I am sitting down to write. It is important that I let my ideas flow. I can fix whatever needs fixing later but I need to let my brain be free to see the blank page as an opportunity for more ideas to be written rather than freeze because I am intimated by the blank page itself.

These are my only goals for January. I’m sure that next month there will be other goals that I will with you.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author

The Hopes of an Author

My Dear Future Readers:

Today, I want to talk about hope.

Hope: is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.”

We all have hope that something good will happen to us someday. We tend to hope that there are things in this world that have not happened yet but they will happen and then we will be happy.

As a full-time author, I believe that hope is very important and at times more important than everything else. Hope is what keeps every writer doing what they do best-write.  It is the hope that talks to them.

“One day you will be a famous author. You will be a best-seller like Nicholas Sparks and Danielle Steel. You will be able to stand tall and have pride in that the world is reading your books.”

 Sometimes, that hope is so quiet that you can barely hear it but it is there in the back of every person’s mind even those who are not writers. But especially writers. After all, being an author and to have your name on a book is a dream that is based on hope and luck and talent. Why do I use the word “luck“? Because, if you are not trying to achieve something, luck or no luck you won’t get what you want. I learned from a young age that people who don’t work hard, never get anywhere. But it is also true that a person who does not have hope will get discouraged very easily.

Hope is the key to going forward without stopping. It is the force that says, “Look, there! I see a light.”

At first you think, No, I still have all this long way to go. What are you talking about? It’s too far.

Then, Hope comes back to you with something positive that makes you think. “You have come this far with the belief that I will help you. Why not believe in me again and most importantly, in yourself now?” Hope asked. It seemed that Hope was trying to be reassuring of the facts that you could no longer see because you started to doubt your journey.

“But, Hope……I…..I am starting to think that this pointless…..” you say to Hope with a shrug.

“No, no, it is not at all pointless. You just need a break. It is the stress of your everyday effort talking right now. I won’t let you give up. You will find your success, I promise you that,” Hope said in a firm tone.

“When?” You question Hope.

“Soon, I promise. Just don’t give up because if I didn’t believe in your success, I would not be here. You need to let yourself calm down enough to see that I am right,” Hope said as it patted the Author’s shoulder.

The Author sighed. “Yes, you are right. I should have more hope that everything will be okay in the end. We had this conversation many times and I still have doubts sometimes,” The Author said with a frown.

“Yes, we had this conversation before and we will have it many more times. We will continue to have it until you stop doubting that things will be okay,” Hope said with tone of complete conviction.

Finally, the Author sighed and went back to writing. After all, writing was what authors were supposed to do. Perhaps, Hope was right and all this young author needed was to continue writing. After all, pen to paper or even the click of the keyboard was calming.

Hope stood there quietly over the Author’s  shoulder and watched as more words appeared on the screen. Hope was happy. At least for today the Author seemed calmer………

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you all for your infinite support.

Yours Truly,

Diana Rose

YA Fantasy Romance Published Author